Annual - September Hike - Started in the sun and ended with hail.
We had a lot of kid's at the Easter egg hunt this year. It was a little chilly!
A fall drive
Our newly adopted dog - Riley. Timber and Riley get along GREAT 98% of the time.
4th of July pre-fireworks fun
Camping & Hiking in the San Rafael Swell
The Swenson family trip to Washington D.C & Williamsburg.
In Oct we went to CA and spent time with Kim and Andreas. We also went to the Lady A concert!
Tristan took a couple trips to California for work.
We went to niece's baptism in Pinedale, WY. It is such beautiful country!
I took photos of David's family before they left to live in Hawaii.
I got into the Physical Therapy Assistant Program at Salt Lake Community College. I missed the cut off for fall 2011 so I will start in fall 2012.
We wish everyone a Happy New Year!